Reading FITS Files

from import fits
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

Reading a FITS File

file_name = 'd165_os_bs_ff_bp_crj.fits'

# Let's open the fits file and call it HDUL (Header Data Unit List, which is some historical name I guess)
hdul =
# Sometimes there are multiple FITS files in a single FITS file. 
# This one only has a single file, though, which appears to be a single image.

# we can print the header 
# it's better to use "display" which prints things nicely :)
header = hdul[0].header 
Filename: d165_os_bs_ff_bp_crj.fits
No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format
  0  PRIMARY       1 PrimaryHDU     158   (1024, 1024)   float32   
SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard                      
BITPIX  =                  -32 / array data type                                
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of array dimensions                     
NAXIS1  =                 1024                                                  
NAXIS2  =                 1024                                                  
CRVAL1U =                 2048 / COLUMN ORIGIN                                  
CRVAL2U =                 2048 / ROW ORIGIN                                     
CDELT1U =                   -2 / COLUMN CHANGE PER PIXEL                        
CDELT2U =                   -2 / ROW CHANGE PER PIXEL                           
OBSNUM  =                  165 / OBSERVATION NUMBER                             
IDNUM   =                    1 / IMAGE ID                                       
UGEOM   =                    0 / UCAM READOUT GEOMETRY                          
DGEOM   =                    0 / DESCRAMBLE GEOMETRY                            
AMPSROW =                    1 / AMPLIFIERS PER ROW                             
AMPSCOL =                    1 / AMPLIFIERS PER COLUMN                          
OBSTYPE = 'OBJECT'             / IMAGE TYPE                                     
EXPTIME =                  180 / Exp time (not counting shutter error)          
COMMENT    Real Value = FITS*BSCALE+BZERO                                       
PROGRAM = 'NEWCAM'             / New Lick Camera                                
VERSION = 'nickel_direct'      / Data acquisition version                       
TSEC    =           1570855422 / CLOCK TICK - SECONDS                           
TUSEC   =               657384 / CLOCK TICK - MICROSECONDS                      
DATE    = '2019-10-12T04:43:42.65' / UT of CCD readout & descramble             
DATASEC = '[1:1024,1:1024]'        / IRAF/NOAO-style data section               
COMMENT End of cards hard-coded in fits_cards                                   
COMMENT Begin of cards from other times                                         
CSYER2  =     0.01666669920087 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i 
CSYER1  =     0.01666669920087 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i 
CRDER2  =   5.139999848325E-05 / random error along direction of WCS axis i     
CRDER1  =   5.139999848325E-05 / random error along direction of WCS axis i     
CD2_2   =  -0.0001027239995892 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CD2_1   =   3.946270226152E-06 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CD1_2   =  -3.946270226152E-06 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CD1_1   =  -0.0001027239995892 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CRVAL2  =       33.02922821045 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel         
CRVAL1  =       283.3957824707 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel         
CRPIX2  =                  512 / reference pixel along FITS axis j              
CRPIX1  =                  512 / reference pixel along FITS axis j              
CUNIT2  = 'deg               ' / unit of WCS axis i                             
CUNIT1  = 'deg               ' / unit of WCS axis i                             
EQUINOX =                 2000 / date of celestial reference frame              
RADECSYS= 'FK5               ' / reference system for celestial coordinates     
CNAME2  = 'Declination       ' / name of WCS axis i                             
CNAME1  = 'Right Ascension   ' / name of WCS axis i                             
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN          ' / type of WCS axis i                             
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN          ' / type of WCS axis i                             
WCSNAME = 'Celestial coordinates' / name of WCS                                 
CRVAL2C =                    0 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel         
CRVAL1C =                    0 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel         
CRVAL2S =       33.02922821045 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel         
CRVAL1S =       283.3957824707 / coord value of WCS axis i at ref pixel         
CSYER2C =                    0 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i 
CSYER1C =                    0 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i 
CRDER2C =                    0 / random error along direction of WCS axis i     
CRDER1C =                    0 / random error along direction of WCS axis i     
CD2_2C  =                   -2 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CD2_1C  =                    0 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CD1_2C  =                    0 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CD1_1C  =                   -2 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CRPIX2C =                  0.5 / reference pixel along FITS axis j              
CRPIX1C =                  0.5 / reference pixel along FITS axis j              
CUNIT2C = 'CCDpix            ' / unit of WCS axis i                             
CUNIT1C = 'CCDpix            ' / unit of WCS axis i                             
CNAME2C = 'CCD Y pixel       ' / name of WCS axis i                             
CNAME1C = 'CCD X pixel       ' / name of WCS axis i                             
CTYPE2C = 'linear            ' / type of WCS axis i                             
CTYPE1C = 'linear            ' / type of WCS axis i                             
WCSNAMEC= 'CCD pixel coordinates' / name of WCS                                 
CSYER2S =     0.01666669920087 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i 
CSYER1S =     0.01666669920087 / systematic error along direction of WCS axis i 
CRDER2S =   5.139999848325E-05 / random error along direction of WCS axis i     
CRDER1S =   5.139999848325E-05 / random error along direction of WCS axis i     
CD2_2S  =  -0.0001027239995892 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CD2_1S  =   3.946270226152E-06 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CD1_2S  =  -3.946270226152E-06 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CD1_1S  =  -0.0001027239995892 / CTM element i_j from FITS axis j to WCS axis i 
CRPIX2S =                  512 / reference pixel along FITS axis j              
CRPIX1S =                  512 / reference pixel along FITS axis j              
CUNIT2S = 'deg               ' / unit of WCS axis i                             
CUNIT1S = 'deg               ' / unit of WCS axis i                             
EQUINOXS=                 2000 / date of celestial reference frame              
RADESYSS= 'FK5               ' / reference system for celestial coordinates     
CNAME2S = 'Declination       ' / name of WCS axis i                             
CNAME1S = 'Right Ascension   ' / name of WCS axis i                             
CTYPE2S = 'DEC--TAN          ' / type of WCS axis i                             
CTYPE1S = 'RA---TAN          ' / type of WCS axis i                             
WCSNAMES= 'Celestial coordinates' / name of WCS                                 
AIRMASS =       1.250841140747 / AIRMASS AT START OF OBSERVATION                
OWNRNOTE= 'notyetset         ' / OWNRNOTE for archive data                      
OWNRHINT= 'notyetset         ' / OWNRHINT for archive data                      
HA      = '03:04:52.05       ' / HOUR ANGLE                                     
DEC     = '33:01:45.1        ' / DECLINATION                                    
RA      = '18:53:35.00       ' / RIGHT ASCENSION                                
DATE-BEG= '2019-10-12T04:40:42.04' / START OF OBSERVATION                       
OBSERVER= 'Elinor Gates, 2019 Grad Workshop' / OBSERVER NAME                    
APERNAM = 'Open              ' / APERTURE POSITION NAME                         
INSTRUME= 'Nickel Direct Camera'                                                
TUB     =                    0 / TELESCOPE TUB ROTATION                         
APERRAW =                 1250 / APERTURE RAW POSITION                          
FILTRAW =                 2853 / FILTER RAW POSITION                            
FILTORD =                    3 / FILTER ORDINAL POSITION                        
APERORD =                    0 / APERTURE ORDINAL POSITION                      
FILTNAM = 'R                 ' / FILTER POSITION NAME                           
DATE-END= '2019-10-12T04:43:42.04' / END OF OBSERVATION                         
GEOMCODE=                    0 / READOUT GEOMETRY                               
DSENSOR = 'Loral 2Kx2K       ' / SENSOR DESCRIPTION                             
DNAXIS2 =                 2048 / ROWS IN SENSOR                                 
DNAXIS1 =                 2048 / COLUMNS IN SENSOR                              
UCAMADC = '4-amp QADC        ' / UCAM ADC BOARDS                                
UCAMCDB = 'New CDB           ' / UCAM CDB BOARDS                                
CAMERAID=                    2 / CAMERA ID NUMBER                               
UCAMSPB = '2 DSPB            ' / UCAM SPB BOARDS                                
UCAMSOFT= '4.08 052011       ' / UCAM SOFTWARE VERSION                          
UCAMTIM = 'New Timing        ' / UCAM TIMING BOARDS                             
GAIN    =                    1 / DCS GAIN INDEX                                 
TEMPCON =                 12.5 / CONTROLLER TEMPERATURE                         
NCSHIFT =                    0 / NUMBER OF CHARGE SHUFFLES                      
RCSHIFT =                    0 / NUMBER OF ROWS IN EACH CHARGE SHUFFLE          
ROVER   =                    0 / NUMBER OF OVERSCAN ROWS                        
COVER   =                   32 / NUMBER OF OVERSCAN COLUMNS                     
MPP     =                    1 / MPP STATE                                      
TEMPDET =      -108.6999969482 / EXPOSURE START DETECTOR TEMPERATURE            
TEMPDETE=                    0 / EXPOSURE END DETECTOR TEMPERATURE              
READ-SPD=                   80 / DCS READ SPEED                                 
ERPBIN  =                    5 / PARALLEL BINNING DURING ERASE                  
ERASE   =                    3 / NUMBER OF ERASES                               
PSKIP   =                    0 / CONTROLS POST-IMAGE SKIPPING                   
CSMP    =                    1 / DCS CAP SELECTION                              
CSELPRD =                    0 / PREREAD CLOCK SELECTION                        
SCLEAN  =                    0 / SERIAL CLEANING CLOCK SELECTION                
BINPRD  =                    0 / PREREAD SERIAL BINNING                         
BINSCLN =                    0 / BINNING FOR SERIAL CLEAN                       
PPRERD  =                    4 / PRE-IMAGE ROWS                                 
PFREQ   =                    1 / PARALLEL CLOCK PERIOD                          
PADDC   =                    0 / PARALLEL CLOCK CAPACITOR SELECTION             
NSTIME  =                   32 / CONTROLS RISING TIME FOR SUBSTRATE             
VSUBEX  =                    0 / SUBSTRATE VOLTAGE DURING EXPOSURE              
VSUBER  =                    0 / SUBSTRATE VOLTAGE DURING ERASE                 
NHBESP  =                   32 / BINNING FOR SPECIAL ERASE                      
MERSP   =                    0 / CONTROLS SPECIAL ERASE MODE                    
TCPR1   =                    4 / PRE-IMAGE SERIAL PIXELS                        
TSPRD   =                   40 / SAMPLE TIME IN 0.1 MICROSECOND UNITS           
TSCLEAN =                   40 / SERIAL CLEAN SAMPLE TIME                       
SFREQ   =                    2 / SERIAL CLOCK PERIOD                            
SADDC   =                    2 / SERIAL CLOCK CAP SELECTION                     
REVERASE=                    0 / NUMBER OF REVERSE ERASES                       
TCPR2   =                    4 / POST-IMAGE SERIAL PIXELS BEFORE OVERSCAN       
OBJECT  = 'M57               '                                                  
CKSUMOK =                    T / cd: CHECKSUMS MATCH                            
CAMCKSUM=                 7254 / cd: CAMERA-COMPUTED CHECKSUM                   
SFTCKSUM=                 7254 / cd: SOFTWARE-COMPUTED CHECKSUM                 
COMMENT End of cards from other times                                           
HISTORY Overscan subtracted                                                     
HISTORY Bias subtracted                                                         
HISTORY Flat Fielded                                                            
HISTORY Bad columns replaced                                                    
HISTORY CR and bad pixels fixed with astroscrappy                               
# we can treat the header as a labelled list, and get things from that list:
# let's grab the image data since that's the only thing1
image = hdul[0].data

Raw Image Plot

# let's plot the image
im = plt.imshow(image)
plt.colorbar(im,fraction=0.046, pad=0.04,label='Counts [arb. units]')
plt.title('Ring Nebula',fontsize=20)
low  = np.percentile(image, 20) 
high = np.percentile(image, 99.5)

Adding Some Fancy Visuals :)

# let's plot the image
im = plt.imshow(image, vmin=low,vmax=high,norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm(),
plt.colorbar(im,fraction=0.046, pad=0.04,label='Counts [arb. units]')
plt.title('Ring Nebula',fontsize=20)
/Users/jacobpilawa/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Passing parameters norm and vmin/vmax simultaneously is deprecated since 3.3 and will become an error two minor releases later. Please pass vmin/vmax directly to the norm when creating it.
  after removing the cwd from sys.path.
# let's plot the image
im = plt.imshow(image, vmin=low,vmax=high,norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm(),
plt.colorbar(im,fraction=0.046, pad=0.04,label='Counts [arb. units]')
plt.title('Ring Nebula',fontsize=20)
/Users/jacobpilawa/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Passing parameters norm and vmin/vmax simultaneously is deprecated since 3.3 and will become an error two minor releases later. Please pass vmin/vmax directly to the norm when creating it.
  after removing the cwd from sys.path.

Image Stretching and Scaling


from astropy.visualization import (ZScaleInterval,MinMaxInterval, LogStretch, LinearStretch,
# Create an ImageNormalize object
norm = ImageNormalize(image, interval=MinMaxInterval(),

# or equivalently using positional arguments
# norm = ImageNormalize(image, MinMaxInterval(), SqrtStretch())

# Display the image
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
im = ax.imshow(image, origin='lower', norm=norm, cmap='Greys')
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x7fc5904c5050>

An alternate way to read files that I really like, and you might see:

with as f:
    data = f[0].data
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fc58dd8dd90>